Wednesday, May 27, 2009

About my Scoot

She is a 2006 TnG Venice, a 49cc. I bought her new from Scooter Ria in New Orleans not too long after Katrina. It was simple economics at the time as I was spending $40-60 a week in fuel and parking in the CBD of N. O. Needless to say my expenses went to $3 a week from the day I started riding her.
At this point she has over 6700 miles on her. I drive her daily shopping for my cafe and delivering food all night long. I drive this machine hard.
Not too long ago it was stolen from me and after a week of insanity I managed too get her back.
Long story short, two different crackheads tried to sell it back to me and I managed too convince the second guy to actually bring it to me, where we stalled him for over 20 minutes until NOPD finally arrived. Mind you we were one block from the police station where I went while said crackhead waited for me to return ( he thought I was going home to retrieve my key) She had about $500 worth of damage and thats not counting the hookups from the Scooter Ria guys.
They were great!
Back on the road with a new paint job, think flat black with flames. Before I hit the road though she will get a new coat of paint. I'm going red, white and blue ala Easy Rider.

I am setting up a flickr account as I will be photographing the journey for all to see.
Planned date of departure is Mon. June 8th around 7am.
master j

1 comment:

  1. WOW! That's crazy! I can't believe how lucky you were to get her back.

    I used to own a scooter. It was GREAT! Loved that thing. Mine was a bit bigger then yours though.

    Are you going to be able to take yours on the highway?

